Edit the tunnel and change the port number, the number after, to the auto-generated port number at the end of your new tunnel, in this case, “59931”.
This UDP tunnel is only for voice chat. When you join a server with your local IP address or TCP Playit tunnel, Simple Voice Chat will tell your client mod to connect the voice chat over a separate UDP tunnel that you enter in voice_host in Part Two you are going to be using two separate tunnels at once.
Part Two
Install Simple Voice Chat on your server. You can download it from the curse forge website: Simple voice chat.
If you are using the spigot version put the file in your plugins folder, if using Forge/Fabric put the file in your mods folder. You will also need the ProtocolLib plugin to use the spigot version.
Restart your Minecraft server.
Find and open “voicechat-server.properties”. It will be in the voicechat folder in your plugins/mods folder.
Change the port value to the port number at the end of your new UDP Playit tunnel. In this case “port=59931”.
Change the ‘‘voice_host’’ value to your UDP tunnel address, in this case “voice_host=adjective-noun.auto.playit.gg”
Restart your Minecraft server.
Install the clientside Simple Voice Chat mod in your Minecraft mods folder and join your server.
Press “V” for settings and to check the connection is working.
This technique has me thinking that it might be possible to host all sorts of game servers by updating the port in the settings to match the port that playit assigns. Worth investigating.
WHAT A TIMING.u guys saved me. i litteraly just installed this voice chat mod a week ago and i couldnt solve the problem on how to port forward the voice host. whoever did this FIX I LITTERALY LOVE YOU!!!
Did this, and so far it’s still not working. The only change it did was preventing me to also use voice chat while connecting through local host. Perhaps anyone can get back to me on discord? Modpack Slave#1409
I figured out how to make it work. Instead of changing “voice_host” to the UDP tunnel address, change it to your shared IP instead:
In this case “voice_host=181.ip.ply.gg”
After this the voice chat should just work (if you followed the other steps in the tutorial).
(The port number no longer needs to be changed in playit as it is automatically set to the same address in both locations. However, you still need to put the address into the “voicechat-server.properties” file.)
I am trying to set up a simple voice chat on my server for my friend and me. I followed the guide, but it does not work for me. I tried the domain and shared IP for the voice_host=, but it’s not working. I also input the public port from Playit into the port= category.
On the client side, I am using Fabric and have the correct version of both the Fabric API and simple voice chat. When I open the server on my computer, I see it in the bottom right, but it shows the not connected symbol. When I use push to talk it says its not connected but in the server logs I get:
[19:12:55 INFO]: [voicechat] Received secret request of Enspist (17) [19:12:55 INFO]: [voicechat] Sent secret to Enspist
So I know it sees something. Here is the voicechat-server.properties file output (I removed the port and IP address for security reasons but they are there in the actual file):
Simple Voice Chat server config v2.4.30
The port of the voice chat server
Setting this to “-1” sets the port to the Minecraft servers port (Not recommended) port= PORT NUMBER
The IP address to bind the voice chat server on
Leave empty to use ‘server-ip’ of server.properties
To bind to the wildcard address, use ‘*’ bind_address=
The distance to where the voice can be heard max_voice_distance=48.0
The multiplier the voice distance will be reduced by when sneaking crouch_distance_multiplier=1.0
The multiplier the voice distance will be reduced by when whispering whisper_distance_multiplier=0.5
The opus codec
codec=VOIPThe maximum size in bytes in a voice packet
Set this to a lower value if your voice packets don’t arrive mtu_size=1024
The frequency in which keep alive packets are sent
Setting this to a higher value may result in timeouts keep_alive=1000
If group chats are allowed enable_groups=true
The host name that clients should use to connect to the voice chat
This may also include a port, e.g. ‘example.com:24454’
Don’t change this value if you don’t know what you are doing voice_host= DOMAIN/ SHARED IP ADDRESS
If players are allowed to record the voice chat allow_recording=true
If spectators are allowed to talk to other players spectator_interaction=false
If spectators can talk to players they are spectating spectator_player_possession=false
If players without the mod should get kicked from the server force_voice_chat=false
The amount of milliseconds, the server should wait to check if the player has the mod installed
Only active when force_voice_chat is set to true login_timeout=10000
The range where the voice chat should broadcast audio to
A value <0 means ‘max_voice_distance’ broadcast_range=-1.0
I feel like I am doing something wrong but idk so here I am asking for help.
I have been able to use an alternative approach. I created one single tunnel with both the UDP and TCP protocol, and you can simply tell both Minecraft and Simple Voice Chat to host on the same port as the public port. Just make sure that the Tunnel’s internal port is also the same as the public port. You can also let it have two ports and just select the actual specified port for one minecraft and the port one above, which is not obviously displayed, for Simple Voice Chat, or the other way around. For example, you may have the public Port 45678 displayed, but have two ports. Actually, you can use both the Ports 45678 and 45679. Just use one port for each service (this meaning Minecraft or Simple Voice Chat) and specify them in the configs. It would be enough to just use one port with a TCP+UDP tunnel, although it’s not recommended to use the same port for both Minecraft and Simple Voice Chat, as seen in the config. My approach has the benefit, that locally hosted instances can be accessed fully locally and requests to the voice chat server don’t have to go through Playit.gg. This also reduces local latency. Hope this helps.
I just posted a message for an alternative approach to that on in the guide. Basically, you don’t have to specify the voice host. If both Minecraft and Simple Voice Chat go through the same tunnel, just make sure that it uses the public/shared port. If the voice_host is not specified, the client will just try to connect with the voicechat port on the same address it used to connect to the server.
I also encountered this same issue, but I found a guide somewhere else that guides you from start to finish on setting up the voice mod and it worked like a charm to me.