So a few things.
I am using AMP by Cubecoders.
I am running playit as a service through this guide (Run Playit in the background 24/7 on Linux)
I am using playit beta 8.3
I am using Ubuntu Server
I am running paper on 1.18.2
Soo i was having this problem where minecraft was giving people who werent on my local network an error that they were logging in with an error that read “failed to verify username”. I am making this post today to try to help others who may have had a similar problem and whos problem was not fixed by the help of countless articles which say more or less the same thing. They say sign out of the launcher and sign back in, mess with the firewall, etc. After hours of digging around and looking at forums, articles, and whatnot and coming up with nothing. Not a single article with like 10 different things to do helped. I eventually turned to my and found a setting, “prevent-proxy-connections”. In amp its like disallow proxy connections. This solved it. I flipped the switch (turned true to false) and there we go, all fixed. Maybe someone can correct me but i think the reason this happens is because minecraft identifies playit as a proxy, or maybe the fact that i think online minecraft servers require u to authenticate ur instance of minecraft with their username servers cause this setting to activate when turned to true.
Regardless hope this can help some people.