Setup an Escape from Tarkov Multiplayer Server with SPT/Fika

before starting its probably not a bad idea to read the Fika Setup Guide for some more information


  • latest version of the program
  • a working SPT backend server
  • a SPT client with the Fika Plugin installed
  • as playit simulates local connections, firewall rules are usually not required, if you do need to create them for some reason, create them on the Local Ports of the tunnels (instead of the default ones)

Read if you plan to host the backend server & game server on seperate machines

You need to install playit on both machines and you need to claim both playit programs as Assignable Agent. When creating the tunnels, make sure to create them on the corresponding agent, so create the backend tunnel (tunnel 1) on the agent that runs on the backend machine and create the game tunnel on the host machine.

Launch and setup the program (create an account or use a guest account)

go to the tunnel page and create 2 tunnels

  • Tunnel 1 (backend Tunnel):

    • Tunnel Type: TCP
    • Port Count: 1
    • Local Port: 6969
  • Tunnel 2 (game tunnel):

    • Tunnel Type: UDP
    • Port Count: 1
    • Local Port: match public

    you should end up with something like this:

    backend setup

    Now click on tunnel 1 and copy the IPv4 address found at the top

    open your SPT Launcher, go to settings and paste it into the URL field like this:

    With that the backend server is done and you should be accessible via

    host setup

    Go into SPT and press F12, in the plugin settings select Fika.Core.
    Set Force IP to the IPv4 of tunnel 2 and set UDP Port to the port of tunnel 2.


    Thats it! You can now host matches and others will be able to join, no port forwarding required.

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Wondering if you could elaborate on how a client is to configure their Fika to join a host that has used the steps above to create/configure a server?

That is not required.
Only the Host needs to do this configuration above.

Hi thanks for the tutorial! I think what Thatguy meant was what the client (the one who wants to play together with the host) has to do in order to join the game. Does he have to add the IP adress from the hosts tunnel 1 to the URL field of his SPT Launcher as well? Otherwise how would the game know which host to join? Does he need to have the app as well?

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