Playit Docker with Crafty - Cant Connect to my Server

Hello i tried to setup with an docker image but cant connect. The error in the logs look like this:

2024-10-24T19:51:56.838112Z ERROR tcp_tunnel{peer_addr=xxx:58681 tunn_addr=xxx:35268 host_origin=HostOrigin(, special: None, proxy: None) sid=1 did=36}: playit_agent_core::network::lan_address: Failed to establish connection for flow (xxx:58681, Os { code: 111, kind: ConnectionRefused, message: “Connection refused” }. Is your server running?
2024-10-24T19:51:56.838117Z ERROR tcp_tunnel{peer_addr=xxx:58681 tunn_addr=xxx:35268 host_origin=HostOrigin(, special: None, proxy: None) sid=1 did=36}: playit_agent_core::playit_agent: failed to connect to local server error=Os { code: 111, kind: ConnectionRefused, message: “Connection refused” }

I dont know what to try anymore. I tried using the local ip of crafty, my unraid instance, or setting a different ip entirely. Also changing the port didnt work. Any idea how to fix this?

Hi, can you provide some more info regarding your configuration? Server and playit side would be awesome.