Installation in Crafty on Casa OS for Bedrock


I just installed crafty on casa os and I have a server running but I am trying to install the plugin version of Because bedrock does not have a plugins folder I have no clue how to install it.

I am trying to install the plugin version of

I would recommend using the agent, especially since you later mention,

Because bedrock does not have a plugins folder

Bedrock doesn’t have a plugins folder, because it doesn’t support plugins. Either you mean one of two things:

  1. You’re trying to install the Playit Plugin to a server with Geyser, which is not supported by the plugin
    • This is not supported, because the java-agent does not have support for UDP tunnels
  2. You’re trying to install the Playit plugin to a Bedrock server, which isn’t possible
    • The plugin is made for Bukkit servers (or Velocity if you’re using mine lol), not Bedrock servers

The solution to this problem is to simply use the agent.

What I did was install portainer, so I could manage all the docker instances on my CasaOS machine. Then, I setup a Minecraft server just as normal (for my setup, it was a Velocity proxy with Geyser and Voice Chat; your setup may differ). Finally, I installed the playitgg-docker container in portainer. Doing that will show the Playit agent on the home screen of CasaOS so you can also manage it from there.

If it was not obvious enough, yes, you will need to connect the agent and forward whatever tunnels you need. For Minecraft Java and Bedrock, you would have a TCP tunnel on 25565 and a UDP tunnel on 19132. Once you create the tunnels from the dashboard, and you have verified that the local IP address points to the docker container’s local IP (and port), then you should be able to connect as per usual.

Hope this helps! :smiley_cat:

Hey, wondering if you can help me—I’m also running Velocity through Crafty/CasaOS. I followed your instructions and I managed to get Playit working through a docker container. After setting my local address in the java tunnel to my Crafty container’s IP and the port to my Velocity port, I was able to connect. I did the same for the Bedrock tunnel, except I set the port to 19132, but I can’t connect through that one. I tried a number of different IPs and ports in my Geyser config, for both the Bedrock and Java section—my Crafty container IP,, 19132 for Bedrock port, Velocity port for Java—but nothing seems to work. What’s weird is that I can ping it a few times on the mcserverstatus sites but suddenly it’ll stop working. Regardless, I was never able to connect through Bedrock—only through Java.