Error running "playit setup" - "failed to lookup address information: Try again"

I am currently trying to run playit on my ubuntu server container. I am running my server behind a http and https proxy (squid) and I am getting a “dns” error when I run playit setup.

Error: RequestError(RequestError(hyper::Error(Connect, ConnectError(“dns error”, Custom { kind: Uncategorized, error: “failed to lookup address information: Try again” }))))

It then crashes and kicks me out to the command line. I looked though GitHub - playit-cloud/playit-agent: The playit program and searched for this error code and couldn’t find it. I was wondering where this error code came from and if their was anywhere I could get any information.

My proxy should be working as I’m typing this on a machine behind my proxy and I installed playit though apt so idk.

DNS server =,

Here are my logs

root@UBS-Container:/etc# playit -s
2023-10-04T23:13:05.065844Z INFO playit_cli::ui: no command provided, doing auto run
2023-10-04T23:13:06.066955Z INFO playit_cli::playit_secret: loading secret file_path=/root/.config/playit_gg/playit.toml
2023-10-04T23:13:06.067014Z INFO playit_cli::playit_secret: loading secret file_path=/root/.config/playit_gg/playit.toml
2023-10-04T23:13:11.074076Z ERROR playit_agent_core::api::http_client: API call failed error=RequestError(hyper::Error(Connect, ConnectError(“dns error”, Custom { kind: Uncategorized, error: “failed to lookup address information: Try again” }))) request=playit_agent_core::api::api::ReqClaimSetup
Error: RequestError(RequestError(hyper::Error(Connect, ConnectError(“dns error”, Custom { kind: Uncategorized, error: “failed to lookup address information: Try again” }))))