Does PlayIt.GG Support Forge servers?

I have a forge minecraft server and can i install on it
Let me explain…
One my little peanut brain watched a video on how to turn your old laptop to a minecraft server using debrain, casaos & Crafty Controller.
A few months later, i was visiting my friends and they mentioned how cool it would be to have minecraft in real life

So i made a VR minecraft server, forge. Cause i need to install extra mods.
So my question is am i able to install on forge servers and how

In short terms, yes.

Forge and vanilla servers are the same (at least in networking.). The only thing, you need to consider, is if you host more than one MC server at a time, change their ports. (For example, if you host two MC servers at a time, one can be the default port, usually 25565, and the other one can be 25566 or 25567, etc.)

And the installation is the same. Download’s app, connect it with your account, create an agent and a tunnel with the “TCP+UDP” protocols, and set the correct IP (25565 by default).